How to Enable Reader Mode on Google Chrome

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How to Enable Reader Mode on Google Chrome

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How to Enable Reader Mode on Google Chrome

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How to Enable Reader Mode on Google Chrome

If you’re someone who enjoys reading articles online, you might find that certain websites can be cluttered with advertisements, pop-ups, and other distractions. Fortunately, Google Chrome’s Reader Mode can help alleviate some of the distractions, making it easier for you to focus on reading. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what Reader Mode is, how to enable it on desktop and mobile devices, how to customize the settings, and how to troubleshoot common issues.

Understanding Reader Mode in Google Chrome

What is Reader Mode?

Reader Mode is a feature in Google Chrome that simplifies the layout of web pages, removing extraneous content, ads, videos, and pop-ups. This allows you to read articles free from the clutter that’s often present on web pages. Reader Mode also optimizes the text for easy reading by increasing the font size, adjusting the spacing, and optimizing the layout.

Benefits of Using Reader Mode

There are several benefits to using Reader Mode in Google Chrome. First and foremost, it provides a distraction-free reading environment, making it easier to focus on the content of the article. This can be especially useful for long-form articles or research papers.

Another advantage of Reader Mode is that it improves the readability of the content by increasing the font size, adjusting the spacing, and optimizing the layout. This can be helpful for individuals who may have visual impairments or difficulty reading small font sizes.

Reader Mode is also a great tool for individuals who are easily distracted by ads or other types of content on web pages. By removing this content, Reader Mode can help you stay focused on the article or content you are reading.

In addition, Reader Mode can also help reduce eye strain and fatigue, particularly if you spend a lot of time reading articles or other content online. By optimizing the layout and font size, Reader Mode can make it easier to read for longer periods of time without experiencing discomfort or eye strain.

Finally, Reader Mode can be a useful tool for individuals who are trying to reduce their data usage. By removing extraneous content, Reader Mode can help reduce the amount of data that is downloaded when you are browsing the web. This can be particularly helpful if you are using a mobile device with limited data or if you are on a slow internet connection.

How to Use Reader Mode in Google Chrome

To use Reader Mode in Google Chrome, simply click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the browser window and select "Distill page" from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows) or "Command + Shift + R" (Mac) to activate Reader Mode.

Once Reader Mode is activated, the page will be simplified and optimized for easy reading. You can adjust the font size and other settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Reader Mode window.


Overall, Reader Mode is a useful feature in Google Chrome that can help improve the reading experience for individuals who are easily distracted, have visual impairments, or are trying to reduce their data usage. By simplifying the layout of web pages and optimizing the text for easy reading, Reader Mode can make it easier to focus on the content of articles and other types of content online.

Enabling Reader Mode on Desktop

Accessing Chrome Flags

The first step to enabling Reader Mode on desktop is to access Chrome Flags. To do this, type “chrome://flags” into the address bar and press Enter. This will take you to a page that contains a multitude of experimental features that you can enable or disable.

Activating Reader Mode in Chrome Flags

Once you’re on the Chrome Flags page, you’ll need to type “Reader Mode” into the search bar. This will bring up a flag labeled “Enable Reader Mode.” Click the dropdown menu next to it and select “Enabled.” After you’ve made this change, you’ll need to restart Chrome for the changes to take effect.

Using Reader Mode on Webpages

Once you’ve enabled Reader Mode, using it is easy. When you encounter a webpage you’d like to read without distractions, simply click the “Reader Mode” button located in the address bar. This will instantly transform the webpage layout into a simplified, easy-to-read version of the article.

Enabling Reader Mode on Mobile Devices

Using Reader Mode on Android Devices

Enabling Reader Mode on Android devices is a bit different than on desktop, but it’s still easy to do. Simply open Chrome and navigate to a website you’d like to read. Once you’re on the webpage, tap the three-dot menu located in the top right corner of the screen. Then, select “Share” from the dropdown menu. From there, select “Read Mode.”

Using Reader Mode on iOS Devices

Enabling Reader Mode on iOS devices is similar to Android. Once you’re on the webpage you’d like to read, click the “Share” icon located at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up a menu with several options. Swipe to the left and select “Reader View.”

Customizing Reader Mode Settings

Adjusting Font Size and Style

If you’d like to adjust the font size or style of the text in Reader Mode, you can do so by accessing Chrome Flags and searching for “Read View Font Size” and “Read View Serif Font.” From there, you can adjust the settings to your liking.

Changing Background Color and Theme

If you’d like to change the background color or theme of Reader Mode, you can do so by accessing the Chrome menu and selecting “Settings.” From there, scroll down to the “Appearance” section and click “Themes.” Select a theme that you’d like to use and it will automatically be applied to Reader Mode.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Reader Mode Not Working on Certain Websites

If Reader Mode isn’t working on certain websites, it may be due to the fact that the website doesn’t allow access to Reader Mode. Unfortunately, there’s no fix for this issue other than to try accessing the content on a different website or browser.

Resetting Chrome Flags to Default Settings

If you experience any other issues with Reader Mode, you can try resetting Chrome Flags to their default settings. To do this, type “chrome://flags” into the address bar and press Enter. Then, click the “Reset all to default” button in the top right corner of the page.

Final Thoughts

Enabling Reader Mode in Google Chrome can greatly improve your reading experience and make it easier to focus on the content of articles. Whether you’re using desktop or mobile devices, enabling Reader Mode is quick and easy. By customizing the font size and style and changing the background color and theme, you can make Reader Mode work for you. If you experience any issues while using Reader Mode, troubleshooting can help you get back to a distraction-free reading experience.