Browser Terms Explained: Session storage

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Browser Terms Explained: Session storage

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Browser Terms Explained: Session storage

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Browser Terms Explained: Session storage

If you're a frequent user of websites, you've likely encountered the term "session storage" before. It's a vital aspect of web development that helps store temporary data, such as user preferences, form data, and authentication details. In this article, we'll dive into session storage, how it works, its use cases, and potential limitations.

Understanding Session Storage

Session storage is a web browser feature allowing developers to store data temporally until the web browser is closed. The main difference between session storage and other storage options, such as local storage, is the lifespan of the data. Session storage deletes data after the browser is closed, whereas local storage can persist beyond the current session.

What is Session Storage?

Session storage is a client-side storage mechanism that allows web developers to store data temporarily; it disappears as soon as the browser window or the tab is closed. It is essential to note that session storage is a feature of web browsers and is not a server-side solution. Therefore, it'll not be accessible to other web pages or even the same web page from other devices.

Session storage is an excellent way to store data that needs to be available for a short period. For example, if you're working on a web form, you can use session storage to store the data temporarily while the user is filling out the form. This way, if the user accidentally closes the browser or the tab, the data is not lost.

How Session Storage Works

A web developer can use JavaScript to store data temporarily in session storage. When a web page is opened, it creates a session storage object in the browser's memory. The developer can then add data to the session storage object and retrieve it during that same session. When the browser is closed, the session storage object and all associated data are deleted.

Developers can store a wide selection of data in session storage, such as information from forms, user preferences, and other data that should be deleted when the browser is closed or refreshed. It is essential to note that session storage is only available during the current session. If the user closes the browser or the tab, the data is lost.

Differences Between Session Storage and Local Storage

One significant difference between session storage and other storage options, such as local storage, is the lifespan of the data. Session storage deletes data after the browser is closed or refreshed. Local storage, on the other hand, persists beyond the current session. Therefore, it is available the next time the user opens the site or web page.

Another critical difference between session storage and local storage is the amount of data that can be stored. Local storage can store significantly larger amounts of data than session storage. This can impact the performance of the website if too much data is stored in local storage. Therefore, it is essential to use local storage judiciously and only store data that needs to persist beyond the current session.

In conclusion, session storage is an essential feature of modern web browsers that allows developers to store data temporarily. It is a useful tool for storing data that needs to be available for a short period, such as form data or user preferences. However, it is essential to use session storage judiciously and only store data that needs to be deleted when the browser is closed or refreshed.

Use Cases for Session Storage

Session storage is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes on a website. By storing data temporarily, session storage can help improve the user experience and provide a more seamless browsing experience. Here are a few use cases for session storage:

Temporary Data Storage

One of the most common use cases for session storage is to store data temporarily that will be needed throughout the user's visit to a website. For example, a web application can use session storage to store the user's current selections when navigating through a series of pages or to store data for a shopping cart. This means that the user can easily navigate back and forth between pages without losing their progress or having to start over each time. Session storage is especially useful for storing data that is too large or complex to be stored in a cookie.

User Authentication and Authorization

Another use case for session storage is to store user authentication information temporarily. When a user logs into a website, their credentials can be stored in session storage so that they don't have to log in again each time they navigate to a new page. Since session storage is not shared across devices or even other web pages, it's a secure option to store user credentials between page loads. This can help improve the user experience by making it easier for users to access the content they need without having to constantly log in.

Form Data Auto-fill

Session storage is also ideal for storing data from forms that can be used to auto-populate new forms. For example, a user may fill out a contact form on a website during one session. If they return to the website at a later time, the information previously entered can be auto-populated in a new form using session storage. This can save the user time and effort, and make it more likely that they will complete the form and submit it. Session storage can also be used to store other types of user preferences, such as language or theme selections, to improve the overall user experience.

Overall, session storage is a versatile tool that can be used to improve the user experience on a website. By storing data temporarily, session storage can help make browsing more seamless and intuitive, and provide users with a more personalized experience. Whether you're building a web application or a simple website, session storage is definitely worth considering as a way to enhance your users' experience.

Implementing Session Storage

Setting and Retrieving Data

A web developer can use JavaScript to set data in session storage. The setItem() method is used to create a new key-value pair, while the getItem() method is used to retrieve the value associated with the key.

Here's an example of setting a value in session storage:

sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value');

Here's an example of retrieving a value from session storage:

var value = sessionStorage.getItem('key');

Modifying and Deleting Data

Modifying data in session storage is as simple as assigning a new value to an existing key. For example:

sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'new value');

To delete data from session storage, the removeItem() method is used:


Handling Storage Events

The sessionStorage object dispatches a storage event each time a key-value pair is stored or removed. This feature allows developers to create a more intuitive user experience on websites with session storage. For example, you can listen for a change in the cart and update the user interface automatically.

Limitations and Security Concerns

Storage Capacity

Most web browsers offer a fair amount of storage space for session storage, ranging from 2MB to 10MB. However, excessive use of session storage can make your site slower. It's important to be mindful of the amount of data stored in session storage to ensure that it doesn't impact website performance negatively.

Data Persistence

Since session storage is not server-side storage, developers must be careful not to store sensitive information, such as user passwords or credit card details. Anyone with access to the user's computer or device can access the information stored in session storage, making it vulnerable to potential security breaches.

Privacy and Security Considerations

Although session storage can help improve user experiences on websites, care must be taken to ensure any personal data is not stored within it. Personal data, such as user information or browsing history, may compromise user privacy and security if improperly stored. Developers should consider user privacy, security, and consent before implementing session storage on their websites.


Session storage is a browser feature used to store temporary data within the user's browser session. It is ideal for web developers who want to temporarily store data such as user preferences, form data, and authentication details. To ensure privacy and security, session storage should not be used to store sensitive information. We hope that this article has provided you with the information you need to understand session storage and its potential uses.