Best Exam Preparation Resources for Environmental Science Students

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Best Exam Preparation Resources for Environmental Science Students

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Best Exam Preparation Resources for Environmental Science Students

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Best Exam Preparation Resources for Environmental Science Students

If you're an environmental science student, you may be wondering how to best prepare for exams and ensure that you're comprehensively covering all the complex topics covered by the environmental science curriculum. Luckily, there are numerous resources available to help you along the way. In this article, we'll review some of the best exam preparation resources for environmental science students, including textbooks, study guides, online courses, mobile apps, and more.

Understanding the Environmental Science Curriculum

Environmental science is a fascinating and important field of study that focuses on the natural world and how human activities impact its health and sustainability. By studying environmental science, students gain a deep understanding of the complex relationships between living organisms and their environment, as well as the ways in which human activities can have both positive and negative impacts on the planet.

Environmental science courses cover a wide range of topics, from climate change to conservation biology to environmental policy and regulations. Let's take a closer look at some of the key topics covered in these courses:

Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. It refers to the long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and other weather patterns that are caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Environmental science courses cover the science behind climate change, as well as its ecological and societal impacts and potential solutions. Students learn about the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, and adapting to the changing climate.

Pollution and Waste Management

Pollution and waste management are major environmental concerns that affect both human health and the health of ecosystems. Environmental science courses cover various types of pollution, including air pollution, water pollution, and solid waste management. Students learn about the sources and effects of pollution, as well as strategies for reducing pollution and managing waste. They also study the importance of recycling, composting, and other sustainable waste management practices.

Conservation Biology

Conservation biology is the study of biodiversity, endangered species, and ecosystem restoration. Environmental science courses cover the importance of preserving biodiversity and protecting endangered species, as well as strategies for restoring damaged ecosystems. Students learn about the complex relationships between different species and the role that humans play in these ecosystems. They also study the impact of habitat destruction, climate change, and other environmental factors on biodiversity.


Ecology is the study of the interactions between living organisms and their environment. Environmental science courses cover topics such as food chains, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. Students learn about the complex relationships between different species and the ways in which they depend on each other for survival. They also study the impact of human activities on these ecosystems, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

Environmental Policy and Regulations

Environmental policy and regulations are crucial for protecting the environment and promoting sustainability. Environmental science courses cover the study of environmental laws, regulations, and governmental policies aimed at achieving these goals. Students learn about the role of government in protecting the environment, as well as the importance of public engagement and advocacy in promoting sustainability. They also study the impact of international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, on global environmental policy.

Exam Board Specifications and Requirements

When preparing for an environmental science exam, it's important to review your exam board's specifications and requirements. This will help you focus your study efforts on the topics that are most likely to appear on your exam. Most exam boards provide detailed specifications and study guides on their websites, so be sure to take advantage of these resources. By understanding the key topics covered in environmental science courses and reviewing your exam board's specifications, you'll be well-prepared to excel on your exam.

Textbooks and Study Guides

Textbooks and study guides are perhaps the most traditional form of exam preparation resources. There are numerous textbooks and study guides available for environmental science students, but not all resources are created equal. Here are some of the top environmental science textbooks and study guides available:

Top Environmental Science Textbooks

Some of the most highly recommended environmental science textbooks include:

  • Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future by Richard T. Wright and Dorothy F. Boorse

  • Living in the Environment by G. Tyler Miller and Scott Spoolman

  • Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories by Jay H. Withgott and Matthew Laposata

These textbooks provide a comprehensive overview of environmental science, covering topics such as ecology, biodiversity, climate change, and sustainability. They offer in-depth explanations of the key concepts and principles that are essential for success in environmental science exams.

Comprehensive Study Guides

Study guides can be used alongside textbooks or on their own as a resource for exam preparation. Comprehensive study guides for environmental science include:

  • Environmental Science for AP by Andrew Friedland and Rick Relyea

  • Barron's AP Environmental Science by Gary S. Thorpe

  • The Princeton Review's Cracking the AP Environmental Science Exam

These study guides provide practice questions, review material, and test-taking strategies to help students prepare for environmental science exams. They also include detailed explanations of key concepts and principles, as well as tips for effective studying and time management.

Supplemental Reading Materials

In addition to textbooks and study guides, it's important to supplement your learning with additional reading materials. Scientific journals, magazines, and online articles can provide a wealth of information and help you delve deeper into specific topics. Some publications to consider include National Geographic, Scientific American, and Environmental Science and Technology.

Reading these publications can help you stay up-to-date on the latest research and developments in environmental science. They can also provide a broader perspective on environmental issues, helping you understand the social, economic, and political factors that shape our relationship with the natural world.

By using a combination of textbooks, study guides, and supplemental reading materials, you can build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills in environmental science. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve success in your exams and make a positive impact on the world around you.

Online Resources and Websites

With the rise of online education, there are numerous resources available to environmental science students. Online courses, educational platforms, and interactive websites can provide a flexible and engaging way to learn and prepare for exams. In fact, online resources have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their convenience and accessibility.

Whether you are looking to brush up on your environmental science knowledge or gain new insights into the field, there are a variety of online resources that can help you achieve your goals.

Educational Platforms and Courses

Some popular educational platforms and courses for environmental science include:

  • Coursera

  • edX

  • Khan Academy

These platforms offer free or low-cost courses on a variety of environmental science topics, ranging from the fundamentals to more advanced concepts. With the help of these courses, you can gain a deeper understanding of environmental science and prepare yourself for a successful career in the field.

Environmental Science Blogs and Websites

Blogs and websites dedicated to environmental science can provide a wealth of information in an accessible and engaging format. Some of the best environmental science blogs and websites include:

  • The Grist

  • Treehugger

  • Earth911

These websites offer a variety of content, including news articles, editorials, and informative pieces on environmental science topics. By following these blogs and websites, you can stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field and gain valuable insights into environmental issues.

YouTube Channels and Video Lectures

YouTube channels and online video lectures provide a flexible and engaging way to learn. Some great environmental science YouTube channels include:

  • Crash Course

  • Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

  • TED-Ed

These channels offer a variety of videos on environmental science topics, ranging from introductory videos to more advanced discussions. By watching these videos, you can gain a deeper understanding of environmental science concepts and learn from experts in the field.

Overall, there are a variety of online resources and websites available to environmental science students. By taking advantage of these resources, you can enhance your understanding of the field and prepare yourself for a successful career.

Mobile Apps and Interactive Tools

Mobile apps and interactive tools can provide a fun and engaging way to review and reinforce environmental science concepts.

Flashcard Apps for Environmental Science

Flashcard apps can help you memorize key definitions, concepts, and formulas. Some popular flashcard apps for environmental science include:

  • Quizlet

  • Cram

  • Anki

Interactive Quizzes and Games

Interactive quizzes and games can make exam preparation fun and engaging. Some popular games for environmental science include:

  • SimCity BuildIt

  • Ecology Game

  • Nature Quiz

Virtual Field Trips and Simulations

Virtual field trips and simulations can provide a unique and immersive way to learn about specific environmental science topics. Some examples include:

  • National Geographic's Explore North America Interactive Map

  • The Smithsonian's Ocean Portal Virtual Exhibit

  • Google Earth's Timelapse Feature


There are numerous exam preparation resources available for environmental science students, from traditional textbooks and study guides to online courses, mobile apps, and virtual simulations. The key is to pick the resources that work best for your learning style and to focus your efforts on the topics most likely to appear on your exam. With the right preparation, you can feel confident and prepared for any environmental science exam.